Thursday, April 15, 2010

UGH!!!! Bubbles...

I've been having a dilemma about what to do as Brandon and I leave the church.  Everyone blows bubbles these days, I don't want to blow bubbles.  It's so cliche....I know, I know....I mean, these guys over here on the left are LOVING the bubbles.  I'm sorry if you did it at your wedding, I know it's cool and looks good in pictures.  But I want to be different!!!  I really wanted to release balloons as we left the church, I thought it would look super cool and no one else does that!  And it would be in the sky for everyone to see and celebrate!  I mean, who doesn't love a good balloon release??  Well apparently, my church doesn't love a good balloon release!

So now what??  The response I got from the church was: "you can do bubbles."  Please help me, I need suggestions!!  The only other idea I can think of is throwing up would fit in with my GREEN theme.  I don't know, is that lame?  I've also seen sugestions of flower petals, but that seems expensive.  I may just have to resort to bubbles.....or do nothing, I guess!


  1. Guess instead of a dollar dance we can all throw dollars at you as you go out the church. Hey they are green. Of course the Catholic Church may not like it so much. But hey it made me laugh for the night. :)

  2. You could give out bells and have everyone ring a bell? If you have to do bubbles, go all a bubble machine!! Honestly I can't remember if or what I did for that part of the "big day"


  3. You are so funny! I love reading your random thoughts. How about butterflies? Or a pair of doves? Or those little helicopter things that are falling from the trees now?. J/K on the last one. Laura
